Friday, May 30, 2008

White Macbook dies in blank!

My little while Macbook, with Leopard and Fedora newly intalled, hanged in blank when starting the system in a raing morning. After my last restart, it did not go to my nice rEFT bootloader but in a white screen (actually silver gray, apple style, you know) totally in blank, and later in the middle of the screen came up a gray directory with a question mark on it, flashing!
I was afraid that maybe the package ex2fs i just installed before restarting to access linux partition from mac or my newly made linux partition messed the bootloader up. So I tryed Tiger install disk to reintall a new system to make things visible. But install error, the hfs+ partition had errors and repaire failed. I even did the format and repartitioned the whole disk and still hfts disk remained gray in Disk Utility and undetectable by installer. That's it ! What else I can do? Googling on the internet, one ticket of a forum scared me. It said it is probably a hard disk problem and the Apple is already aware of the problem and there are already some cases about it. It said the most problems macers meet are about the hard disk and the driver. I've alreasy got my superdiver repaired and now it turned to the hard disk? Damn! I am really a lucky dog! Is the Apple really right for me ? Or it is an apple from the witch?
This morning I handed over my macbook to Centro Assitenza "agian". Hope they will fix it for free(under 1 year guarantee).
God Bless!

My ntfs partition revives!!

The ntfs partiton of my removable disk revives ! That is really a good news !
I always got my stuff in troubles. Removable disk and my macbook.
let's talk about the removable disk first. Once it was totally undetectable when pluged to the computer. It was a problem with hardware connection and finnaly fixed by my friend, who opened it and reset up. Now, a few days ago, one of my partions could not be umounted to my macbook. One thing I should mention is that I have 2 partitons in the removable disk:MacJo 30G Hfs+ for mac competibility and Bingo about 90G Ntfs. The last time I mouted and used Bingo was under Leopard and was deleting some huge useless directories. I had problems with Trash, because it hangs when emptying. I could not empty the Trash before unmount the disk. I don't think it is a big problem to umount before empty the trash. But being hanged when trashing is a problem. Then, this Bingo can not be mounted under Fedora, which resulted an error about $MFT, sorry that I can't what exactly (I forget where i recorded the error message). What's more, under Windows Xp system, the disk showed up could not be open. File or directory damaged. It should be a problem with Master File Table.
I got a simple and magical way to fix it . Under windows os, open Run(运行),and enter[chkdisk/j] if your disk is mounted as disk j (it is not important,because anyway you might be got error when checking disk), regardless of those errors and restart you machine with the removable disk pluged . There will be a startup disk check(This must be the key point of the solution, i guess it is using the automatical disk check and repaire when starting up the system). Than, as long as the system is started, we are done! Look, Bingo comes back and you can open it. Maybe just one more directroy name found.0000 is added to you disk. Smile ~ :)
Remember: startup disk check sometime really help!
hints of solution: plug the removable disk to the computer running windows, open Run, input command: chkdisk/j (j is your disk indicator) and enter, regardless of output, remain the removable disk pluged restart the computer, automatically do the disk check ,then start the system and done!
方法:windows系统下,插上移动硬盘,打开运行,输入chkdisk/j (J是移动硬盘挂载的盘符号),不管运行结果怎样,重启电脑,注意这个时候不要拔掉移动硬盘,开始自动运行开机磁盘检测,检测完打开系统,这个时候系统挂载的移动硬盘就已经正常了。

Wednesday, May 21, 2008




Tuesday, May 20, 2008


连线杂志, 的黑白照片大赛已经结束,共评选出10幅获奖作品,一个叫 Whiffleboy 的读者的作品 "A Bit Spotty" 最终获得一等奖。时值国难,黑白也许更贴近我们的内心。说明文字属随口敷衍,并无意义。

1. A Bit Spotty - 班驳 (Whiffleboy)


2. Straw Dogs - 刍狗  (Jason Flett)

天地无所谓仁,无所谓不仁, 悲悯只是浩瀚宇宙中的不可言说的孤独。


3. Man In the Fog - 雾中人 (David Gordon)



4. Running Through - 跑过 (Harrison)



5. Wicked Path - 不怀好意的山路 (Shawn Kresal)



6.  Girl, Unafraid - 孩子,快跑 (Neil Bernhart)



7. Cape Fear - 海之角 (Vilhjalmur Ingi Vilhjalmsson)



8. Pitty - 贝蒂 (Charline Messa) 



9. Silhouette - 剪影 (Andrew Scharlott)



10. Hidden? - 小样 (bushn)



中文翻译与配文来自:COMSHARP CMS 官方网站。谨以此文纪念5.12地震中遇难的同胞。

Sunday, May 18, 2008


终端提示符的特征由系统环境变量PS1定义。通过命令``echo $PS1''查看当前设置。


PS1="\u@\H \w$ "


\e ASCII转义字符

\h 主机名

\H 完整的主机名

\l 终端设备名

\t 24小时制时间

\T 12小时制时间

\u 用户名

\w 当前工作目录(绝对路径)

\W 当前工作目录(basename)

\! 当前命令在历史缓冲区的位置

\$ 如果当前用户是super user,则插入字符#;否则插入字符$

\[ 出现在不移动光标的字符序列之前

\] 出现在非打印字符之后

修改使用命令~ $  export PS1="\u@\H: \w\$" 






if [ $TERM = 'linux' ]; then
export PS1="[\[\e[36;1m\]\u@\h \[\e[31;1m\]\w\[\e[32;1m\]]> " 
zhcon --utf8 
elif [ $TERM = "xterm" ]; then 
export PS1="[\[\e[31;1m\]\w\e[0m]>"
 fi -------------------



用硬件检测程序kuduz探测新硬件:service kudzu start ( or restart) 

查看CPU信息:cat /proc/cpuinfo 

查看板卡信息:cat /proc/pci 

查看PCI信息:lspci (相比cat /proc/pci更直观) 

查看内存信息:cat /proc/meminfo 

查看USB设备:cat /proc/bus/usb/devices 

查看键盘和鼠标:cat /proc/bus/input/devices 

查看系统硬盘信息和使用情况:fdisk & disk - l & df 

查看各设备的中断请求(IRQ):cat /proc/interrupts 

查看系统体系结构:uname -a 

dmesg | more 查看硬件信息 

Cpuinfo          主机CPU信息
Dma             主机DMA通道信息
Filesystems       文件系统信息
Interrupts         主机中断信息
Ioprots           主机I/O端口号信息
Meninfo          主机内存信息
Version           Linux内存版本信息