Thursday, August 28, 2008

Macports on Leopard

As a student, to buy softwares is not what I can afford, and I don’t like to search and use the crack version of the commercial software. Open source software project in UNIX world is really good for me. I believe that Mac OS is UNIX based operating system, so I want to make my macbook with leopard os well compatible with open source projects.
Just as any Unix system, an easy to use system for compiling ,installing, and upgrading open-source software in your operating system is really necessary to open source fans. There are in fact two different projects doing this for Mac OS X. One is called MacPorts (upgraded from the old Darwinports), and the other is Fink.
There are some discussions about “Darwinports vs Fink”- which is better? I didn’t do much research , but I think Macports community is more active then Fink. So Macprot becomes my choice.
There is no trick during installing Macports on Leopard, as there is a simple .dmg file on the official website of the Macports. And the guide on the website should be enough for your to get start.

1 comment:

Daisy said...

but, I failed to instal any package. I tried twice, and both returned errors :(